Sunday, August 14, 2011


HELLO, HELLO?????? Ya I'm talking to you alright hi my name is Li Yen and I live in my hometown my whole life which is KL. I chose this site because of how busy we are going to band I love being busy somehow and if I have nothing to do I would just die of boredom which I hate. I love doing many activities like abseiling, camping, wide water rafting, hiking and many more activities to do. My personality is out going and no matter what I never die of hipness and enthusiasm which is weird but I do not really care. I thought that my personality would fit in with this site because of how I like to be always busy and that would make me tired so I can go to sleep early. This connects with my fear too because of how I have a disorder called separation anxiety but it is slowly going away and I am trying my best to end it and how if I think about I would get homesick and then I will fall apart. I thought that this site would help to kill the disorder and feel better about myself because of how busy we are going to be and how tight our agenda and hopefully I would be to trying not to think about those things.

I thought that these things were actually quite important very long ago so I thought of millions of things to help the earth like, if you see something that is thrown on the ground pick it up and if it is a recyclable thing if they have recycling bin throw it. REMEMBER! REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE! I also thought that simple things like throwing your litter into rubbish bins, do not keep the water running when not expected, taking short baths, do not eat a lot of meat which is hard for some people (like me) but still TRY NOT TO. Finally, do not u
se PLASTIC BAGS it takes about a 100-800 YEARS to recycle them!

I think we should do a iMovie because some people like me are scared of presenting like ME! I think that we should focused on how much you have to do to be Eco-Friendly and try to convince people to actually do these type of things and how it is effecting the earth in different ways like, global warming and how in about 30 years Maldives, (An AWESOME place that you would love because of the sea, beaches and EVERYTHING) in going to sink because of the waters rising due to the melting glaciers :( Incase you do not know what Maldives looks like here is a picture that will blow of your socks (if you are actually wearing some)!

This is Kandooma:


Monday, May 30, 2011

Pan Gu Creation Myth

This is my creation movie trailer.

Hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The END is near, AHHHHHHHHH!

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

The most piece of work I am proud of is the ancient egyptian diaries because of how I have grown in many different ways in my point of view. In my point of view I have really grown because of how in the beginning of six grade I was scared to that I was not going to do well in six grade, but now when finishing writing those diaries. I actually found it quite fun and I feel now if I had that assignment in the beginning I would have literally died! This also shows growth in my work habits because you actually have to work harder and put more effort into it which is an excellent thing to grow in. I think that if I could do this and get a kind of a perfect grade (an A-), then I am READY to face the battle of seventh grade. BRING IT ON! The experience of six is like a barrier, this is where your growth in your body and your brain takes a HUGE leap. In elementary the grades was not a big thing but now, its HUGE. I found that in six grade every piece of work matters and you now get to socialize with other people because of how you have the wheel and your electives which mixes with people which also helps you grow in socializing. I learned most from the lockers and how some friends drift apart from you because you are not in the same class anymore and you start to be friends with the people in your class. For the lockers I learned that you have to try your best NOT to make your locker messy because you try to find something for too long you would get like a tardy and that if you are having trouble with your locker do tell your close buddies but, NO ONE else.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

Malaysia week because I have a disorder called separation anxiety. This means that I can not be separated from my family, so I can not have sleepovers and overnight trips I just can not stand it! It is exactly like being homesick but, there is much more than missing your family, separation anxiety is not like that, separation anxiety is like, you think about what negative things are going to happen to your family or someone close to you. So for me to fight the disorder or conquer the disorder is TRY NOT to think about it and to make a lot of sleepovers or things that make me go far away from my parents. I have to conquer it because one day I have to realised that my parents are not going to be with me FOREVER. But now, since I did it, I now believe that I can do it but, still I think that I have to cry now and then during malaysia week. But the downfall is if I go on a ocean site and I get really homesick I would start to care about how far this place is and start crying about how far away I am from my family.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

I think that if you try your hardest in every assignment that I do think that I could actually succeed in my grades. This is because for me in one assignment I actually was really busy and that I had to finish off my humanities lit circle and that I was in a rush and I found out that I got like a C+ then after that I just now keep on the good work with my time management. Also, when you work harder, you learn more especially in six grade so far and if you want to do if you want to be good in six grade go above and beyond actually what you are expected to do and make it perfect. I also learned that you can not be perfect and no one is perfect and that is a good thing.

4.To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):


a) Behavior

Could be improved

Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think that I am the type of person who has perfect behavior in listening and with directions but sometimes I talk too much and then get off track but this is quite rare. Usually I get too work and try to finish what I am supposed to finish.


b) Participation



Actively participate in class

Explanation: I think that I mostly participate but sometimes I do not really concentrate and start playing with something.


c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

Explanation: I think that sometimes I need to manage my time better but if I do that it would help me WAY easier.


d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

Explanation: I think that I can improve by going above and beyond. I can do that by taking more time on my work so I can learn more if I do this.


5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1- In Grade 7, I plan to make new friends so I can learn more with them and learn more about them. I personally think this is important because if you do not make firend you would not be that social which is a bad thing. I think this because of if you had to work with some one you do not really know, then you
would not know how you are supposed to split up the work and what to do and all. Also more students would be coming in so you can improve the SLR's like communitcate effectively with other people and the SLR collaborate constructively. This is a HUGE part of your life so that is why I think making a goal which is make new friends.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to do well acedemically. I think this because if you do well in school you might be one of the most successful person in the world and if you want play the game of school well then just try your harderst and your best in your work and you would be an excellent player in the game, school. I think if you also want to get an A+ in something then try your hardest to do that. In Math in this trimester, I actually started of with a C+ and do not stress and now I have like a B just because I tried my hardest in all of my assignments and I am super proud of myself for that. Maybe you guys want to try your hardest and you would do well in school but, do not think that six grade is easy because it is actually quite hard and if you think that you can get an A+ in everything and you do not get it, then you might have stress to and that is not a good thing.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

Yes, there is only two things that I want the teachers to know. I think the teacher should know that I like working with people that I like to choose better then teachers picking because I think you would do better with people you work well with not somebody who does not do their work because it would be unfair to the group. I aslo think this because of how you pair up somebody that you know does work on time and does an equal amount of work. Plus, Mr. Housego said that two brains is better than one because you would have a variety of choices. Remember, the Wisdom of Crowds. I also want the teacher to know that the suject I like the most is Hummanities and I am not saying just because I am writing this blog it is just because hummanities is fun!

7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

The "Words of Wisdom" I could give is be organized. Being organized is on of the BIGGEST key to doing well in six grade! Organization is the most important in many different reasons like, it helps you turn in your homework on time or even earlier to let the teacher check or see in what you can improve on. DO NOT, this is a BIG NO NO, do your homework at the last minute. This is probably the worst thing to do in six grade. Maybe you did some work at the last minute in fifth grade but here, it is a WHOLE new place. Things to help you remind yourself is the planner. You might think you remember what you have for homework but you do not have memorized up in your brain and the worst thing that could happen is to forget your homework that was due a LONG time ago. Also DO NOT STOCK POWERSCHOOL! It might change during the week so it is best to just check twice a week or even once. Same as moodle. It is good to check moodle in case you forget to write your homework down or you forget. Finally the last site you should check is your e-mail in your Panther Apps. Teachers might send you important e-mails so it is best to check that daily. My last piece of advice is to have fun and have a blast here in six grade. Wish you luck and hope to have as much fun as I in six grade.


Li Yen

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Dear mom and dad, Do not worry I'm still alive and happy where I am. Well it is much more challenging here and more freedom which I think makes life much more interesting. I thought this because I think I have a different mind compared to the normal people. I think that the way I think is different from you mom and dad because of how much I think that capping is scary. The things I think that Capping is scary because of how you have this enplant in your head and that now you can not control your brain and what you do and all those things and that you do and how much you have to work everyday until you die, I thought that this would make life boring and I always want to challenge myself. I always wanted tot be a kid so this makes me feel like a kid here in White Mountains. I have grown so much during the journey to the White Mountains with everything like knowledge of different places and things and about how they cap people. I also got everything in the world I have dreamed of espeically freddom. I wanted to come here because of how much this means to me and how much it means to strive and face the challenges and get through them. Sorry mom and dad and the villagers that I left, I hope you understand. There are uncountable reasons why I wanted to leave. The first reason is that I met this guy called Ozymadias that told me a place where freedom still lasts and that no tripod in the world knows this place has not been covered yet, The White Mountains. He also gave me a map of where to go and this was telling me that he was also going in about one week. The first thing that popped up into my mind was, that I should not go because of how much I would lose like, friends and family. But when I started to think about it, I thought that freedom is much more important then those things espeically where I'm stuck right now. I know if I had told you that I am leaving you would try to do anything to make me mature and loose the thing you would never have if you were capped, freedom. Well, I think that you do think the way I do but, I think that being mature is not as important as freedom and being capped is quite a big step for me espeically if I am thinking about freedom, my childhood and much more which, I am going to loose. I decided to leave midnight with Henry because he was afraid of capping like me. It is to late to change me or force me. I stole some food and left. So sorry, hope that you are ok. When we got to the Ancient Ruins, where we found high tech things called gernades where you pul out a ring and throw it at something since you have never heard of it before. Walking down this city, we get to the Red castle where I find myh true love called Eliose. She was a wonderful girl but since she is royalty, she has to leave and serve the tripods forever. I was about to make a stop to the journey as I let Henry and this friend of mine whos name is Zhangpole but for his nickname, Beanpole. I let them leave before me beacuse I wanted to watch the Tornument that was going on. A tournument is like a celebration of capping that I did not want to miss. When she was about to leave I went into my bedroom and thought of what I was going to loose here like luzary, the girl of course and the money. This was quite a hard decision but I came to the point where I decided to leave. I left with a horse and went as fare away from the castle as possible. The day after that, I found out that the tripod followed me. I did not know exsactly why the tripod did not cap me but I was happy about that. I finally caught up with Beanpole and Henry and Beanpole found something underneath Will's sleve, and said that the tripods were following us the whole time. Trying to think of a plan to make the tripods stop following us by cutting off the metal enplant from his hand. Although it hurt like mad I did not really care anymore. Walking trying to get to the White Mountains as fast as possible we saw in a distance, a tripod. As soon as we saw that we ducked into cave and try to make up a plan to kill the tripod or to damage it. We finally came with a plan as we took the grenades and threw it at the tripod. This was quite a hard moment and with our last one, one tripod picked me up. Holding the gernade with all my might I threw a perfect shot into the hole. The tripod then slowly fell as he dropped me. We ran across the river so no tripod could track us. Beanpole found a rock so we hid there for almost a few weeks. One day we could not find the tripods so we decided to continue our journey. Only a few meters until we reach there so we tried to get there as soon as possible. Now I am a free man and now I can face many challenges in life and be safe from the tripods. Sorry, Will

Monday, March 28, 2011

In two well structured paragraphs explain how the above quote and the rest of the chapter relates to the theme, freedom.

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)

I thought that this relates to the theme, freedom because of how life is not interesting anymore without freedom and a challenging mind to direct it with because if you had directions to follow and anymore challenges to approach the human mind, then everything would just be boring and from a kid to now in the book Will starts to have challenges and now he starts to learn that freedom is more important than anything same with challenges to conquer. Will also starts to open up and thinks is this what I want to be doing, labor and being controlled or living in an open freedom spot with everything that I missed out in my childhood that would make my life a happier life? Will decides to escape from the Red Castle and run away at the middle of the life since he thought that even though he would get the girl and have luxury life, he believes that having an open mind and living freely is what he wants to be like.

I thought this also relates to freedom because of how much he has grown during this journey like how much grateful he is now of going on this journey before it is to late and how much Will has gone through those ‘obstacles’ which made me think of Eloise, a tripod chasing him and put a compass and other conflicts that made Will push harder and decide if it was correct to do one way or the other. One of the ‘obstacles’ is Eloise because of how she like him and Will liked her and how when Will wanted to stay until he finds out that the person who was chosen queen, which was Eloise, then she has to go serve the tripods forever which made Will decide to leave the red castle and goes catch up with Henry and Beanpole. These were the two major evidence that made me think that this relates to the scene of freedom.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Red Castle

How were the tripods able to control people?

I think that the tripod controlled people by the cap but, it is WAY more complicating then this anwser. But I think they have like the people who made the tripods control it, or their family control the tripod. I think this because a machine, the tripod can not control many peoples' brains all at once so that is one estimate of how the tripods can control people. Some evidence thinking back to chapter one, it said that it was made by the men in black i do not know but this made me think that since the villagers know everyone, then the tripods will know everyone because I think that one reason it is controlled by people. But the problem with this anwser is if it is controlled by people, then would anyone know that it is controlled by people and are they capped because if they are not capped then the tripods might find out that they do not have a cap then another tripod will come take the people out, who is controlling it, then cap them. This can cause a problem because if they cap the people who in charge of that tripod then the tripod will colapse and everyone who has been capped by that tripod will get brainwash and forget everything.
Find edvidence (quotation form the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable in the castle, he is fustrated that the Comte, Commtese and Eliose has been capped.
In some of the page I have read, there was something about Will being fustrated at Comte, Commtese and Eliose because that they already have been capped so this made him uncomfortable with them just incase the tripod finds out that he is older than he should be having not been capped yet. Like some edvidence on page 122 when the book said: And the better I kew them, the harder it was to make a sweeping codemnation. They were capped, they accepted the tripods and all they stood for, but that did not prevent them form being, as I had seen in the Comte and Comtesse and Eliose and now in others, warmhearted, gernerous and brave. This made me think that Will is comfortable in the red castle but, fustrated at them because it looks like he is unsure about why they accepted the tripods and wondering if it was a must or a option. I aslo thought that 135 also showed how comfortable he is in the castle but fustrated at Comte, Cometesse and Eliose. She said, "I wanted to say good bye, Will." "It would not be for long. A few days. Then when I am Capped..." She shook her head. "I shall not see you again. Did you not know?" "But I am here to stay here. Your father said so, only this morning." "You would stay, but not I. Did no one tell you?" "Tell me what?" When the tournument is over, the Queen goes to serve the tripods. It is always done." I said stupidly, "Serve them where?" "In their city." "For how long?" "I have told you, forever." I thought this part of the book made Will fustrated because of how much Will loves her and how much he risked just to be with her and now, after the tournument Eliose is gone forever. I think this also made him fustrated because of how he thought that she could follow him on his journey plus he thought that they were thinking alike and in the same world.
Find edvidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.
He shook his head. "You know it's not permitted to talk about that. But I can promise you thatyou won't be hurt." I said, "But why?" "Why what?" "Why should the tripods take people away, and capped them? What right have they?" "They do it for our own good." "But I don't see why it has to happen. I'd sooner stay as I am." I thought that Will was scared because the author makes us, readers think when the author puts many questions that Will was asking made me think that he was terriobly sacred and does not want to go because about how in the last part of that passage was, I'd sooner stay as I am and this made me think that he was scared about what is going to happen when everything changes when his fear takes over him form being capped becuase you can not really control about your thoughts and everything you do because it is just like an inplant in your head that sucks out everything and load you with the tripod's opinion.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey?

Chapter three was about when Will was about to leave almost everything in life and Henry wanted to come but, Will did not want him to come so Henry convinced him by, sitting on him and not going to move so basically Will was stuck so Will had to let him but they have to keep on travelling in the night so no one can see then until they are actually clear out of the village. But the trouble happens when they hear sound of footsteps so they decided to run of it. So whilst running Will broke his ankle badly so Henry had to wait for three days to get healed but, they found out that it was a herd of sheep so that was what Chapter three was about. In chapter four was about how Will and Henry went to the town where no one really knows each other as well as in the village. So it was like going through the town and there is this boy called Zhangpole who wants to go with them. So Will and Henry agreed that Zhangpole can follow him but, now he has a nickname, Beanpole so if anyone asks him his name then he could say Beanpole. So that was what happened so far.

So I think that Beanpole will do to help Will and Henry on a trip is to hide them or tell them who is coming and all those types of trouble that will come during their journey. I think that Beanpole can help with this because Beanpole is from the city so I think no one knows him except for his parents and if his parents are looking for him then Beanpole can hide and Henry and Will can just tell them that they have seen him. I think that this is what they would do for each other so it will be easier to get there. I think the good thing that they let Beanpole come with them is a advantage for Henry and Will because he can help carry the things and help Will or Henry if they need help Beanpole can help. Since Beanpole knows where the tirpods are so Beanpole can tell where the tripods are in the world and if they are going where the tripods are going then they can go another way. If Will and Henry did not accept Beanpole then they have a smaller chance of getting to the White Mountains.

I think that Beanpole also can help by trying to protect Will and Henry for any type of mischievous things they do to get themselves into trouble again and if any villagers find out they escaped from a small village in England then the tripods might notice and they would get into really big trouble. I also think that he can help by convincing the town people that it was not there fault and blame it on himself and all those things to get them out of trouble. Without Beanpole, Will and Henry will could have not survive in France to get to the Alps so then it would be more difficult for the tripods to climb up the mountain and they might freeze or die since they are made out of steel or metal.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How is Will like me?

Will is like me because of how scared he is to get capped so he decides to leave home, and take a risk to get to the white mountains. This makes me think that In this story Will, getting capped is normal and that it is a celebration but, Will thinks the exact opposite thing, he is scared to do and does not, in his entire life, get capped. Also that Will's friend, Jack has been capped and Will sees that he can not communicate with Will because all they have to do is work, early in the morning, until night. Tripods are three legged creatures that has been ruling the world for more than a hundred years. Everyone thinks differently now since the tripods are here. So Will's thought is actually quite unusual in the story. But a homeless guy, called Ozimandias, has escaped from capping and has a fake cap. Will wants to escape too and he does whatever it takes to have his freedom again. He also thinks that everything would change after being capped and that he thinks that everything is going to be all about work. So that was what happened in chapters 1-2.

I think that Will is like me because of how he thinks in this book. The way he thinks in this book is like me imagining all the scary things in life and how he can avoid it and how his personality is like. I think I am like him because I will do whatever it takes to reach my goal and that is like Will trying to avoid everything bad on the way and get to that White Mountain. I also think that Will is like me because of how he thinks outside of the box because in his life everything is controlled with capping and all those things was normal to him. To think about how scary capping was and what happens when he can not control his mind anymore and that how he has to work all day. He also thinks that the tripods have like a bad influence on the tripods. So this connects to me because I think try to think the most creative thing/weirdest thing that anyone has ever seen. Like in art we were doing these paper mache bowls and we had to do contrast with everything and when I did this design I love doing which was sloshing the paint and nobody did that and once I finished they asked me how did you do that and all those other types of questions. This connects to Will because he thinks outside of the box and same with me.

The other thing that is similar to Will and I is that we are both a bit cowardly like in the beginning of this book. I thought that we both connected because when Will was scared of the capping and decided to leave because he was too scared that it was going to change his life forever. This reminds me of when I am going to Malaysia week because I am scared about what is going to happen to me when I go and what happens to my closes family member like what are they doing? Are they alright? All those types just roll all around in my head. I thought that they were going to die and all and I worry about that every night (but not so much now). I am scared about how long we have to stay away.(But luckily for me I have the closest site)! So I think that this connects to how much I am scared about malaysia week and how my life is going to change forever because of how long it is. I think this connects because all of these changes are big changes and how cowardly Will and I are.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ancient Egypt Reflection

1. Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?

I think that Ancient egyptians pharaohs created monument because as a pharaoh, my point of view for a pharaoh is, to do something to give your country to believe or to remember something that led this country into a great civilization. I also think that as a pharaoh, you should also try to improve somethings to make your city powerful and strong against the Nile river and all these problems like the ones that led up to the down fall of pharaohs in Ancient Mesopotamia. Like, Valerie and I worked on a pharaoh named, Senusert the first and he was famous for improving shrines, temples and religious monuments. Senusert also contributed to Anicent Egypt for over 3 dozen sites in Egypt. I think that Pharaohs also wanted to be memorable for something they contributed to Ancient Egypt in order for Egypt to rise higher and higher. Pharaoh also want their city to have more people since this city has so much land they might as well use it all to help feed the people. I know that a pharaoh's job is hard, but someone has to do all of these things I wrote even more things. If a pharaoh has completed his/her job they might as well celebrate of what hard work it is to rule a city this strong. So I think that is why they build monuments.

2. What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).

The Merlion made by Fraser Brunner and the White Chapel was made by the same reason. Senusret the first made the White Chapel because Senusret wanted to contribute something to Ancient Egypt and that he carved gods and pharaohs and even symbols. Fraser Brunner wanted to make a Merlion because of its story. The head is from a naming stroy into naming the city. The body refers to the fishing village. The Lion City was once a reminder of the humble beginning to a successful city. The similarity is that they both wanted to contribute to the city. I think that this is a good similarity because of how Singapore is a very successful city and Ancient Egypt was a very successful city so I thought that these two monuments match just because of how successful cities they are and how Senusert the first and Fraser Brunner both wanted to do something to represent their countries.
3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?

This had help on how I can see how my partner works on the google doc and if I wanted her to do something I write on the google doc and it is easier to communicate with each other and how everything is going. We had even conversations on the doc about what we should do and what we have done, so it is very easy to work with. It has helped me a lot with finishing the project on time by helping my partner with things she could not find and all these problems that could not fix without the google doc because some programs are not collaborate which really sucks a lot! Having google docs makes your work easier in a way that many programs can not do. When we first got introduced to it I had no clue why we were using it and how it was a waste of time on the computers until we actually start using it. I keep on using it now it is like a habit to open the browser and signing in for no reason! Google docs has made so many of my collaborative projects on time and this has really helped me as a student in this school.

4. What did you learn from this assignment?

I learned that in order to do this assignment you have to go in the same pace as your partner like, if she/he does not understand a word then you have explain it or simplified the sentence, also like when your partner does not know where to find research and pictures help them because if you do not help then they would not help you with the work. Also when Senusret 1 died, he was buried in his Middle kingdom Pyramid at el-Lisht in Fayum, about 1 mile south of his father's pyramid. Also how Senusert the first made many monuments to make Egypt rise to it is highest point.
5. What was challenging?

The most challenging part of this assignment was making the movie. I thought we were going to be one of the first ones done but, we ended up being one of the last ones finishing. This made it a challenge because we could not go to each others house to practice together because we were too busy. The worst of all was that it was Chinese Mew Year and we celebrated it like for the whole break for it and it gets me stressed out about how time we have not spent on working on it. Also how it was hard to focused in class because of all the noise so we did not really use all the time that we had so I kind of started panicking at the last minute but, we finally finished it. But, it was REALLY FUN for both of us! The second thing that was very challenging was the perfect spot to record. This was hard because EVERYWHERE we go there were always people walking by and talking. We tried 5 spots and they all did not work out. Also we were sweating a lot just to find the perfect spot. The perfect spot was the busing area. This was the most silent spot in the school when class was on. Val and I was so happy but, we found out that there were like 30 more minutes of class so we quickly did the recordings but only finished half of it but, we finished putting all the pictures and we were almost finished. Finally we tried to stay in for lunch to work on it but Mrs. Narsiman but she was on lunch duty so we could not stay in for luch and Val had to tryout dance company and had a meeting for dance company and was let out late so we did not have any time to do it during lunch.

6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment?

I think the SLR I think that represents the most is collaborate constructively because we got to work with different partners or one that you know how to work well with. I think collaborate constructively because this assignment is an assignment that you have to separate the work equally and rely on the person to do their part of the job. This can be quite hard but, in order to turn it in on time you have to make sure that your partner also agrees with your facts and how this is supposed to be done. This assignment is collaborate constructively because it is easier if you work together like in question 3 of this blogpost of how it was having google docs as your main site for this assignment. The iMovie is only possible if you work well with your partner.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

City Connections

1) What do you believe you did well on the project?

I think I did well in many things like in my presentation I gave enough facts in each slide. I think I did well with this because my facts were quite simple, so it was easy to read and not too much text so you get lost or really bored or lose your spot in what I am talking about. also I think I did well was that I understood everything on the slides and I kind of memorized it so it was easier for me to have eye contact with everyone. I also believe I did excellent on the layout of the powerpoint because there were loads of pictures which is in contact with the facts so you could also follow along with what I was talking about with the pictures. I also like my layout because in two slide when I had no pictures, the next slide has JUST pictures! The layout was also quite unique from others. That was just my two major thing I thought I did well in but, the next one I thought I did well in was being accurate in my facts because when I was listening to the same hometown as me, most of my fact was about the same or similar with my facts which made me more confident on my own powerpoint.

2) What would you like to improve for future presentations/projects?

I would like to improve on my oral presentation because I HATE going on in front of everyone so I start to get nervous and talking weirdly but, loudly and I starting talking about things that do not connect with my project or I start making no sense at all really which gets quite annoying. So in order to be more confident in my oral presentation is to practice in front of a mirror or do it in front of my family or my siblings only. I always hate going in front and go first or anything like presenting so I just have to keep on practicing and practicing. The second major thing I want to improve is slowing down a little when I am speaking otherwise I start to mumble. This is a challenging thing for me to do because when I get nervous I start speeding things and sometimes you can not really understand me and the is really no point of presenting because they would not understand you and they would not learn anything from the presentation.
3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned many things from other people organization like how their layout was set in. Some people just kind of put everything on one slide (pictures, fact etc.) which I do not really enjoy because it was all squished which sometimes look too much on a slide. Some people also put smaller text and a picture on the other side which is actually ok but, if the your presenting can not see the text if could be not a good idea. But the one I like the best is when the text is quite big with many pictures that are not too big. I thought this was a good idea because it was easier to follow along and it has many examples of the topic you are talking about. I learned that for many people it is easier with a little bit of everything but, make sure you do not put too many things on one side. But, sometimes more people like text with not really many picture. So for the future I would put medium size text with big pictures that are in the topic that you are talking about.

4) What is your analysis of your performance?

I think I deserve a 29/30 because I have included all the things in the rubric except for one thing, I forgot to put more than one map so I thought that caused one mark so I give myself a 29/30. I also think that I deserve a 29/30 because I have been very I have worked very hard on this and I always went on the powerpoint everyday to see how can I improve the powerpoint and everyday if I had free time I always worked on it like, checking if my facts are accurate, checking if the pictures were connected to the facts I have and finding the most interesting facts and pictures I could find. I hoped that you agree with me in all this evidence and why I deserve a 29/30.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011, the start of a New Year's Resolution

My first resolution is, to get rid of the stress because to Malaysia week because I have a disorder called separation anxiety. This means that I can not be separated from my family, so I can not have sleepovers and  overnight trips (but I have to go) I just can not stand it! It is exactly like being homesick but, there is much more than missing your family, separation anxiety is not like that, separation anxiety is like, you think about  what negative things are going to happen to your family or someone close to you. The stress I have about Malaysia week is at a high level. At night I start freaking out about it when I am trying to sleep so I start tearing and I  start thinking about it and get dragged into the whole thing about Malaysia I can not sleep until a long time like 2 hours later. So for me to fight the disorder or conquer the disorder is TRY NOT to think about it and to make a lot of sleepovers or things that make me go far away from my parents. I have to conquer it because one day I have to realised that my parents are not going to be with me FOREVER :( So in 2011, when we had to go to bed (was at two am) I knew what to do, not to think about Malaysia week so it would not worse. Since then I have been doing quite well but one day I had a total break down so I went to my parents' room and when they saw me crying they told me they would try to do something about it because I do not want to go even tough it is going to be ALLOT  of fun.

My second resolution is, to be a better person by helping the earth by telling my family that how recycling can make a huge difference in the world and what else you can do to help the world. I think that you can help by many simple ways like, buy a reusable water bottle like a steel one. Do not use plastic bags, it usually takes a thousand years to recycle it. If you happen to get a plastic bag reuse it in anyway like, put the plastic bag on the rubbish bin so when you throw away your things, it will be easier to dispose when it is full or use it as a shopping bag so you do not need to use another one. In our family we do all that but, the best way to stop using plastic bags, is to buy a reusable bag so every time you shop, you do not need to use plastic bags anymore. There are way more ways to helping the Earth but these are just two of them which for me are the easiest ways to help the world. This will make a HUGE difference to you and the world.

During the winter break, I went to a place called Kandooma, Maldives. This was the most AMAZING place EVER! If you like the beach, snorkeling, swimming and diving you should go to Maldives. In Kandooma, we did so millions of activities, we did not get to finish all the activities in five nights! We did activities like, going far out to do some snorkeling, swimming in the sea, go to picnic island, and night fishing (you get to eat the fish you catch)!  But the best of all is, you got to go on this huge boat and go to see wild dolphins which is amazing because you RARLY find wild dolphins in the WORLD so for us it was just mind-blowing to see these dolphins in the wild especially, when you see them do tricks without telling them to do it. It was also breath taking when you see them in pods jumping together and they surround the boat. 

our tiring trip from Kuala Lumpur to Maldives, we decided to explore our way to the family villa whilst, I was just sprinted to the villa. ZOOM! Rushed upstairs like a cheetah chasing after his favorite meal and got some shut eye. Lazily walked out of the house but, I was so famished I rushed down to the restaurant which Holiday Inn owned. A buffet that was smelled of soft and crispy bacon, some eggs and just made bread. The aroma kissed the room it came to me and attracted nose to go and get it and I toke a bunch of food and gobbled it up like I was in a food eating contest. I ran to the beach, murder my shoes and stepped into cotton candy. The sand felt like I was in heaven and dipped into the tropical, crystal clear water. It was so clear I could see the fish swimming through my legs, saw millions of flying fish jumping out of the water so synchronized, when they jumped, it felt like it was together. Feeling the gentle breeze blowing through my hair felt so wonderful. That was just the beginning with my holiday. 

When our time was up we begged our parents to extend it but, we knew it was not going to work. After our last good byes to the place I almost started tearing. This was a memorable moment was a moment I should cherish in my heart forever and I would NEVER forget. This place was beyond the best it could ever be. This place the crew are just so friendly and very cautious of the environment which has inspired me to be cautious as how can I help to stop global warming because I do not want maldives to sink ever!  This experience was a experience of a life time that will be the most amazing one ever.