Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ancient Egypt Reflection

1. Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?

I think that Ancient egyptians pharaohs created monument because as a pharaoh, my point of view for a pharaoh is, to do something to give your country to believe or to remember something that led this country into a great civilization. I also think that as a pharaoh, you should also try to improve somethings to make your city powerful and strong against the Nile river and all these problems like the ones that led up to the down fall of pharaohs in Ancient Mesopotamia. Like, Valerie and I worked on a pharaoh named, Senusert the first and he was famous for improving shrines, temples and religious monuments. Senusert also contributed to Anicent Egypt for over 3 dozen sites in Egypt. I think that Pharaohs also wanted to be memorable for something they contributed to Ancient Egypt in order for Egypt to rise higher and higher. Pharaoh also want their city to have more people since this city has so much land they might as well use it all to help feed the people. I know that a pharaoh's job is hard, but someone has to do all of these things I wrote even more things. If a pharaoh has completed his/her job they might as well celebrate of what hard work it is to rule a city this strong. So I think that is why they build monuments.

2. What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).

The Merlion made by Fraser Brunner and the White Chapel was made by the same reason. Senusret the first made the White Chapel because Senusret wanted to contribute something to Ancient Egypt and that he carved gods and pharaohs and even symbols. Fraser Brunner wanted to make a Merlion because of its story. The head is from a naming stroy into naming the city. The body refers to the fishing village. The Lion City was once a reminder of the humble beginning to a successful city. The similarity is that they both wanted to contribute to the city. I think that this is a good similarity because of how Singapore is a very successful city and Ancient Egypt was a very successful city so I thought that these two monuments match just because of how successful cities they are and how Senusert the first and Fraser Brunner both wanted to do something to represent their countries.
3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?

This had help on how I can see how my partner works on the google doc and if I wanted her to do something I write on the google doc and it is easier to communicate with each other and how everything is going. We had even conversations on the doc about what we should do and what we have done, so it is very easy to work with. It has helped me a lot with finishing the project on time by helping my partner with things she could not find and all these problems that could not fix without the google doc because some programs are not collaborate which really sucks a lot! Having google docs makes your work easier in a way that many programs can not do. When we first got introduced to it I had no clue why we were using it and how it was a waste of time on the computers until we actually start using it. I keep on using it now it is like a habit to open the browser and signing in for no reason! Google docs has made so many of my collaborative projects on time and this has really helped me as a student in this school.

4. What did you learn from this assignment?

I learned that in order to do this assignment you have to go in the same pace as your partner like, if she/he does not understand a word then you have explain it or simplified the sentence, also like when your partner does not know where to find research and pictures help them because if you do not help then they would not help you with the work. Also when Senusret 1 died, he was buried in his Middle kingdom Pyramid at el-Lisht in Fayum, about 1 mile south of his father's pyramid. Also how Senusert the first made many monuments to make Egypt rise to it is highest point.
5. What was challenging?

The most challenging part of this assignment was making the movie. I thought we were going to be one of the first ones done but, we ended up being one of the last ones finishing. This made it a challenge because we could not go to each others house to practice together because we were too busy. The worst of all was that it was Chinese Mew Year and we celebrated it like for the whole break for it and it gets me stressed out about how time we have not spent on working on it. Also how it was hard to focused in class because of all the noise so we did not really use all the time that we had so I kind of started panicking at the last minute but, we finally finished it. But, it was REALLY FUN for both of us! The second thing that was very challenging was the perfect spot to record. This was hard because EVERYWHERE we go there were always people walking by and talking. We tried 5 spots and they all did not work out. Also we were sweating a lot just to find the perfect spot. The perfect spot was the busing area. This was the most silent spot in the school when class was on. Val and I was so happy but, we found out that there were like 30 more minutes of class so we quickly did the recordings but only finished half of it but, we finished putting all the pictures and we were almost finished. Finally we tried to stay in for lunch to work on it but Mrs. Narsiman but she was on lunch duty so we could not stay in for luch and Val had to tryout dance company and had a meeting for dance company and was let out late so we did not have any time to do it during lunch.

6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment?

I think the SLR I think that represents the most is collaborate constructively because we got to work with different partners or one that you know how to work well with. I think collaborate constructively because this assignment is an assignment that you have to separate the work equally and rely on the person to do their part of the job. This can be quite hard but, in order to turn it in on time you have to make sure that your partner also agrees with your facts and how this is supposed to be done. This assignment is collaborate constructively because it is easier if you work together like in question 3 of this blogpost of how it was having google docs as your main site for this assignment. The iMovie is only possible if you work well with your partner.

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