Saturday, January 29, 2011

City Connections

1) What do you believe you did well on the project?

I think I did well in many things like in my presentation I gave enough facts in each slide. I think I did well with this because my facts were quite simple, so it was easy to read and not too much text so you get lost or really bored or lose your spot in what I am talking about. also I think I did well was that I understood everything on the slides and I kind of memorized it so it was easier for me to have eye contact with everyone. I also believe I did excellent on the layout of the powerpoint because there were loads of pictures which is in contact with the facts so you could also follow along with what I was talking about with the pictures. I also like my layout because in two slide when I had no pictures, the next slide has JUST pictures! The layout was also quite unique from others. That was just my two major thing I thought I did well in but, the next one I thought I did well in was being accurate in my facts because when I was listening to the same hometown as me, most of my fact was about the same or similar with my facts which made me more confident on my own powerpoint.

2) What would you like to improve for future presentations/projects?

I would like to improve on my oral presentation because I HATE going on in front of everyone so I start to get nervous and talking weirdly but, loudly and I starting talking about things that do not connect with my project or I start making no sense at all really which gets quite annoying. So in order to be more confident in my oral presentation is to practice in front of a mirror or do it in front of my family or my siblings only. I always hate going in front and go first or anything like presenting so I just have to keep on practicing and practicing. The second major thing I want to improve is slowing down a little when I am speaking otherwise I start to mumble. This is a challenging thing for me to do because when I get nervous I start speeding things and sometimes you can not really understand me and the is really no point of presenting because they would not understand you and they would not learn anything from the presentation.
3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned many things from other people organization like how their layout was set in. Some people just kind of put everything on one slide (pictures, fact etc.) which I do not really enjoy because it was all squished which sometimes look too much on a slide. Some people also put smaller text and a picture on the other side which is actually ok but, if the your presenting can not see the text if could be not a good idea. But the one I like the best is when the text is quite big with many pictures that are not too big. I thought this was a good idea because it was easier to follow along and it has many examples of the topic you are talking about. I learned that for many people it is easier with a little bit of everything but, make sure you do not put too many things on one side. But, sometimes more people like text with not really many picture. So for the future I would put medium size text with big pictures that are in the topic that you are talking about.

4) What is your analysis of your performance?

I think I deserve a 29/30 because I have included all the things in the rubric except for one thing, I forgot to put more than one map so I thought that caused one mark so I give myself a 29/30. I also think that I deserve a 29/30 because I have been very I have worked very hard on this and I always went on the powerpoint everyday to see how can I improve the powerpoint and everyday if I had free time I always worked on it like, checking if my facts are accurate, checking if the pictures were connected to the facts I have and finding the most interesting facts and pictures I could find. I hoped that you agree with me in all this evidence and why I deserve a 29/30.

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