Saturday, May 21, 2011

The END is near, AHHHHHHHHH!

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

The most piece of work I am proud of is the ancient egyptian diaries because of how I have grown in many different ways in my point of view. In my point of view I have really grown because of how in the beginning of six grade I was scared to that I was not going to do well in six grade, but now when finishing writing those diaries. I actually found it quite fun and I feel now if I had that assignment in the beginning I would have literally died! This also shows growth in my work habits because you actually have to work harder and put more effort into it which is an excellent thing to grow in. I think that if I could do this and get a kind of a perfect grade (an A-), then I am READY to face the battle of seventh grade. BRING IT ON! The experience of six is like a barrier, this is where your growth in your body and your brain takes a HUGE leap. In elementary the grades was not a big thing but now, its HUGE. I found that in six grade every piece of work matters and you now get to socialize with other people because of how you have the wheel and your electives which mixes with people which also helps you grow in socializing. I learned most from the lockers and how some friends drift apart from you because you are not in the same class anymore and you start to be friends with the people in your class. For the lockers I learned that you have to try your best NOT to make your locker messy because you try to find something for too long you would get like a tardy and that if you are having trouble with your locker do tell your close buddies but, NO ONE else.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

Malaysia week because I have a disorder called separation anxiety. This means that I can not be separated from my family, so I can not have sleepovers and overnight trips I just can not stand it! It is exactly like being homesick but, there is much more than missing your family, separation anxiety is not like that, separation anxiety is like, you think about what negative things are going to happen to your family or someone close to you. So for me to fight the disorder or conquer the disorder is TRY NOT to think about it and to make a lot of sleepovers or things that make me go far away from my parents. I have to conquer it because one day I have to realised that my parents are not going to be with me FOREVER. But now, since I did it, I now believe that I can do it but, still I think that I have to cry now and then during malaysia week. But the downfall is if I go on a ocean site and I get really homesick I would start to care about how far this place is and start crying about how far away I am from my family.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

I think that if you try your hardest in every assignment that I do think that I could actually succeed in my grades. This is because for me in one assignment I actually was really busy and that I had to finish off my humanities lit circle and that I was in a rush and I found out that I got like a C+ then after that I just now keep on the good work with my time management. Also, when you work harder, you learn more especially in six grade so far and if you want to do if you want to be good in six grade go above and beyond actually what you are expected to do and make it perfect. I also learned that you can not be perfect and no one is perfect and that is a good thing.

4.To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):


a) Behavior

Could be improved

Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think that I am the type of person who has perfect behavior in listening and with directions but sometimes I talk too much and then get off track but this is quite rare. Usually I get too work and try to finish what I am supposed to finish.


b) Participation



Actively participate in class

Explanation: I think that I mostly participate but sometimes I do not really concentrate and start playing with something.


c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

Explanation: I think that sometimes I need to manage my time better but if I do that it would help me WAY easier.


d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

Explanation: I think that I can improve by going above and beyond. I can do that by taking more time on my work so I can learn more if I do this.


5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1- In Grade 7, I plan to make new friends so I can learn more with them and learn more about them. I personally think this is important because if you do not make firend you would not be that social which is a bad thing. I think this because of if you had to work with some one you do not really know, then you
would not know how you are supposed to split up the work and what to do and all. Also more students would be coming in so you can improve the SLR's like communitcate effectively with other people and the SLR collaborate constructively. This is a HUGE part of your life so that is why I think making a goal which is make new friends.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to do well acedemically. I think this because if you do well in school you might be one of the most successful person in the world and if you want play the game of school well then just try your harderst and your best in your work and you would be an excellent player in the game, school. I think if you also want to get an A+ in something then try your hardest to do that. In Math in this trimester, I actually started of with a C+ and do not stress and now I have like a B just because I tried my hardest in all of my assignments and I am super proud of myself for that. Maybe you guys want to try your hardest and you would do well in school but, do not think that six grade is easy because it is actually quite hard and if you think that you can get an A+ in everything and you do not get it, then you might have stress to and that is not a good thing.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

Yes, there is only two things that I want the teachers to know. I think the teacher should know that I like working with people that I like to choose better then teachers picking because I think you would do better with people you work well with not somebody who does not do their work because it would be unfair to the group. I aslo think this because of how you pair up somebody that you know does work on time and does an equal amount of work. Plus, Mr. Housego said that two brains is better than one because you would have a variety of choices. Remember, the Wisdom of Crowds. I also want the teacher to know that the suject I like the most is Hummanities and I am not saying just because I am writing this blog it is just because hummanities is fun!

7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

The "Words of Wisdom" I could give is be organized. Being organized is on of the BIGGEST key to doing well in six grade! Organization is the most important in many different reasons like, it helps you turn in your homework on time or even earlier to let the teacher check or see in what you can improve on. DO NOT, this is a BIG NO NO, do your homework at the last minute. This is probably the worst thing to do in six grade. Maybe you did some work at the last minute in fifth grade but here, it is a WHOLE new place. Things to help you remind yourself is the planner. You might think you remember what you have for homework but you do not have memorized up in your brain and the worst thing that could happen is to forget your homework that was due a LONG time ago. Also DO NOT STOCK POWERSCHOOL! It might change during the week so it is best to just check twice a week or even once. Same as moodle. It is good to check moodle in case you forget to write your homework down or you forget. Finally the last site you should check is your e-mail in your Panther Apps. Teachers might send you important e-mails so it is best to check that daily. My last piece of advice is to have fun and have a blast here in six grade. Wish you luck and hope to have as much fun as I in six grade.


Li Yen

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