Thursday, November 18, 2010

Collaborate Constructively ~ Collaborative Literature Circles

What are the benefits of working with your classmate? 

I think the benefits of working with a partner is more unique than any other reason because to me, working with a partner shows how much knowledge they learned during in the novel/ book so far. I think this reason because it makes me think like, hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder how my partner looks at this book like, a really good book that keeps you flipping the pages or just a stupid book that we have to read for lit circles. This helps me indicates of what is their perspective of this book. Do they pay attention to the book? How can I help them i their connections, passages and questions this also help me indicates where they are at in this book. Having a partner is a good way to start learning your mistakes of how you could improve just by listening to your partner and what they think you should improve. They give feedback like, telling you if you repeated that part or if you need more evidence in your passages by doing that, she/he needed to use the book to claim that this was true. Working with a partner also helps you to work with many different people so you know how the people around you think which is a good thing because you know how they explain and you know how to make it better. Benefits of working with a partner helps you get less pressure with your work but, this is not stable with some people. Some people you can not really rely on.

Challenges/ obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome).

Some challenges which I faced was hard to overcome. One is a challenge which everyone had to face or would face later in their lives. This challenge was your partner not doing their job. This was really hard for me because I really wanted a 100% in this lit circle. I thought I would get that grade because I chose somebody that I thought I could rely on and I really work well with this person because we are friends and it is quite easy to choose your friends to help you on this big project. I worked so hard for it. Then on Sunday I checked to see if she did the work yet or started but, she did not start it yet so I decided to e-mail Mrs. N to see if she could help. Hoping that she would finish it on time. Next humanities we got to work on it and Mrs. N told me to talk to her and I did. The reason why was because she did not have time and the power went of so she could to use the computer. I understood her problem but could not she write it by hand? Oh well. She told me that she would be done on time and make high quality. I was proud of her and the whole class through she was on task. 

New understanding you gained about the novel.

In lit circle 3 I learned loads of things which is good and one thing I learned was that everyone knew how to stay on task and finish fast so we could finish as many things as possible. In the novel I learned that they Mr. Pollock (Amy's dad) did not meet Miyax's father, Mr. Pollock met her. He gave the letter all about Amy to her Miyax. Another thing was that Miyax did not want to make love/mate with Daniel  because he just toke clothes of and kissed her (which was very gross) and disturbing for Miyax so that was the whole reason why she wanted to leave him and go to San Fransisco and disobey Kapugen, her father who told her everything if she was depressed and what she should do and that was his last words before he died. Finally, that she could leave aunt Martha if she was also really depressed. I believe that lit circles make you understand about the book even more then I could ever imagine. 

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