Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Literature Circle~ Julie of the Wolves

1. How your groups discussion helped your understanding of the novel.

My group was Fynnola, Sidney and Jorghi but Fynnola could not find her lit circle so she was not able to share. The discussions in our group helped me understand the book a bit more because some of the questions I never could have thought of and they have it so it made me think more because their questions made me think outside of the box and make me think hard. When I was listening to their responses I said: Ohhh, ok know I get what your trying to say. The discussions we were having was quite interesting because our passages were on different pages but similar reasons. It was quite ironic  that our group had lots in common. This made me understand more because doing literature circles make me think differently when I am reading my own books now because of this. Without having the discussions I would not understand the book as clear as now.

2. Connections that you made during your discussion

When we had similar reasons in our passage. I think that was quite fascinating because having the same things you could put more comments on it like, I do not think this is true because..... You can ask more better questions on it. Saying I agree on this, oh, once I was doing something, you can make allot of connections with it. Like Sidney, he said once something happened while someone was reading their passage. There was so connections I said like, when I trained my dog, when we had this bond together all other connections. I think I could have said a bit more though. 

3. Predictions
I think she is going to move to San Francisco but has a hard time getting there because she misses Alaska and her wolves because she has been trying to communicate with them for so long and she has had them since the wolves were young. She might miss the fact that she has allot of snow in Alaska. She could not be used to the weather because it could be very hot for her. I have a feeling that she would not find her way to her destiny because she just learned how to communicate with wolves and maybe there would be some mishaps like, not understand her sometimes and do something wrong like, bang into something and might injure herself and going into the wrong direction and getting lost. Since Alaska is a big country she might be not familiar with everywhere yet.  

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