Monday, March 28, 2011

In two well structured paragraphs explain how the above quote and the rest of the chapter relates to the theme, freedom.

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)

I thought that this relates to the theme, freedom because of how life is not interesting anymore without freedom and a challenging mind to direct it with because if you had directions to follow and anymore challenges to approach the human mind, then everything would just be boring and from a kid to now in the book Will starts to have challenges and now he starts to learn that freedom is more important than anything same with challenges to conquer. Will also starts to open up and thinks is this what I want to be doing, labor and being controlled or living in an open freedom spot with everything that I missed out in my childhood that would make my life a happier life? Will decides to escape from the Red Castle and run away at the middle of the life since he thought that even though he would get the girl and have luxury life, he believes that having an open mind and living freely is what he wants to be like.

I thought this also relates to freedom because of how much he has grown during this journey like how much grateful he is now of going on this journey before it is to late and how much Will has gone through those ‘obstacles’ which made me think of Eloise, a tripod chasing him and put a compass and other conflicts that made Will push harder and decide if it was correct to do one way or the other. One of the ‘obstacles’ is Eloise because of how she like him and Will liked her and how when Will wanted to stay until he finds out that the person who was chosen queen, which was Eloise, then she has to go serve the tripods forever which made Will decide to leave the red castle and goes catch up with Henry and Beanpole. These were the two major evidence that made me think that this relates to the scene of freedom.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Red Castle

How were the tripods able to control people?

I think that the tripod controlled people by the cap but, it is WAY more complicating then this anwser. But I think they have like the people who made the tripods control it, or their family control the tripod. I think this because a machine, the tripod can not control many peoples' brains all at once so that is one estimate of how the tripods can control people. Some evidence thinking back to chapter one, it said that it was made by the men in black i do not know but this made me think that since the villagers know everyone, then the tripods will know everyone because I think that one reason it is controlled by people. But the problem with this anwser is if it is controlled by people, then would anyone know that it is controlled by people and are they capped because if they are not capped then the tripods might find out that they do not have a cap then another tripod will come take the people out, who is controlling it, then cap them. This can cause a problem because if they cap the people who in charge of that tripod then the tripod will colapse and everyone who has been capped by that tripod will get brainwash and forget everything.
Find edvidence (quotation form the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable in the castle, he is fustrated that the Comte, Commtese and Eliose has been capped.
In some of the page I have read, there was something about Will being fustrated at Comte, Commtese and Eliose because that they already have been capped so this made him uncomfortable with them just incase the tripod finds out that he is older than he should be having not been capped yet. Like some edvidence on page 122 when the book said: And the better I kew them, the harder it was to make a sweeping codemnation. They were capped, they accepted the tripods and all they stood for, but that did not prevent them form being, as I had seen in the Comte and Comtesse and Eliose and now in others, warmhearted, gernerous and brave. This made me think that Will is comfortable in the red castle but, fustrated at them because it looks like he is unsure about why they accepted the tripods and wondering if it was a must or a option. I aslo thought that 135 also showed how comfortable he is in the castle but fustrated at Comte, Cometesse and Eliose. She said, "I wanted to say good bye, Will." "It would not be for long. A few days. Then when I am Capped..." She shook her head. "I shall not see you again. Did you not know?" "But I am here to stay here. Your father said so, only this morning." "You would stay, but not I. Did no one tell you?" "Tell me what?" When the tournument is over, the Queen goes to serve the tripods. It is always done." I said stupidly, "Serve them where?" "In their city." "For how long?" "I have told you, forever." I thought this part of the book made Will fustrated because of how much Will loves her and how much he risked just to be with her and now, after the tournument Eliose is gone forever. I think this also made him fustrated because of how he thought that she could follow him on his journey plus he thought that they were thinking alike and in the same world.
Find edvidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.
He shook his head. "You know it's not permitted to talk about that. But I can promise you thatyou won't be hurt." I said, "But why?" "Why what?" "Why should the tripods take people away, and capped them? What right have they?" "They do it for our own good." "But I don't see why it has to happen. I'd sooner stay as I am." I thought that Will was scared because the author makes us, readers think when the author puts many questions that Will was asking made me think that he was terriobly sacred and does not want to go because about how in the last part of that passage was, I'd sooner stay as I am and this made me think that he was scared about what is going to happen when everything changes when his fear takes over him form being capped becuase you can not really control about your thoughts and everything you do because it is just like an inplant in your head that sucks out everything and load you with the tripod's opinion.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey?

Chapter three was about when Will was about to leave almost everything in life and Henry wanted to come but, Will did not want him to come so Henry convinced him by, sitting on him and not going to move so basically Will was stuck so Will had to let him but they have to keep on travelling in the night so no one can see then until they are actually clear out of the village. But the trouble happens when they hear sound of footsteps so they decided to run of it. So whilst running Will broke his ankle badly so Henry had to wait for three days to get healed but, they found out that it was a herd of sheep so that was what Chapter three was about. In chapter four was about how Will and Henry went to the town where no one really knows each other as well as in the village. So it was like going through the town and there is this boy called Zhangpole who wants to go with them. So Will and Henry agreed that Zhangpole can follow him but, now he has a nickname, Beanpole so if anyone asks him his name then he could say Beanpole. So that was what happened so far.

So I think that Beanpole will do to help Will and Henry on a trip is to hide them or tell them who is coming and all those types of trouble that will come during their journey. I think that Beanpole can help with this because Beanpole is from the city so I think no one knows him except for his parents and if his parents are looking for him then Beanpole can hide and Henry and Will can just tell them that they have seen him. I think that this is what they would do for each other so it will be easier to get there. I think the good thing that they let Beanpole come with them is a advantage for Henry and Will because he can help carry the things and help Will or Henry if they need help Beanpole can help. Since Beanpole knows where the tirpods are so Beanpole can tell where the tripods are in the world and if they are going where the tripods are going then they can go another way. If Will and Henry did not accept Beanpole then they have a smaller chance of getting to the White Mountains.

I think that Beanpole also can help by trying to protect Will and Henry for any type of mischievous things they do to get themselves into trouble again and if any villagers find out they escaped from a small village in England then the tripods might notice and they would get into really big trouble. I also think that he can help by convincing the town people that it was not there fault and blame it on himself and all those things to get them out of trouble. Without Beanpole, Will and Henry will could have not survive in France to get to the Alps so then it would be more difficult for the tripods to climb up the mountain and they might freeze or die since they are made out of steel or metal.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How is Will like me?

Will is like me because of how scared he is to get capped so he decides to leave home, and take a risk to get to the white mountains. This makes me think that In this story Will, getting capped is normal and that it is a celebration but, Will thinks the exact opposite thing, he is scared to do and does not, in his entire life, get capped. Also that Will's friend, Jack has been capped and Will sees that he can not communicate with Will because all they have to do is work, early in the morning, until night. Tripods are three legged creatures that has been ruling the world for more than a hundred years. Everyone thinks differently now since the tripods are here. So Will's thought is actually quite unusual in the story. But a homeless guy, called Ozimandias, has escaped from capping and has a fake cap. Will wants to escape too and he does whatever it takes to have his freedom again. He also thinks that everything would change after being capped and that he thinks that everything is going to be all about work. So that was what happened in chapters 1-2.

I think that Will is like me because of how he thinks in this book. The way he thinks in this book is like me imagining all the scary things in life and how he can avoid it and how his personality is like. I think I am like him because I will do whatever it takes to reach my goal and that is like Will trying to avoid everything bad on the way and get to that White Mountain. I also think that Will is like me because of how he thinks outside of the box because in his life everything is controlled with capping and all those things was normal to him. To think about how scary capping was and what happens when he can not control his mind anymore and that how he has to work all day. He also thinks that the tripods have like a bad influence on the tripods. So this connects to me because I think try to think the most creative thing/weirdest thing that anyone has ever seen. Like in art we were doing these paper mache bowls and we had to do contrast with everything and when I did this design I love doing which was sloshing the paint and nobody did that and once I finished they asked me how did you do that and all those other types of questions. This connects to Will because he thinks outside of the box and same with me.

The other thing that is similar to Will and I is that we are both a bit cowardly like in the beginning of this book. I thought that we both connected because when Will was scared of the capping and decided to leave because he was too scared that it was going to change his life forever. This reminds me of when I am going to Malaysia week because I am scared about what is going to happen to me when I go and what happens to my closes family member like what are they doing? Are they alright? All those types just roll all around in my head. I thought that they were going to die and all and I worry about that every night (but not so much now). I am scared about how long we have to stay away.(But luckily for me I have the closest site)! So I think that this connects to how much I am scared about malaysia week and how my life is going to change forever because of how long it is. I think this connects because all of these changes are big changes and how cowardly Will and I are.