Thursday, September 9, 2010

The time I showed courage

It was on August 31, 2009 it was time to do my first backflip. The reason was, I already know how to do a front flip so it was time I tried to do the backflip. My mom encouraged me to do this; I already knew how to do it in the water so what the heck so I leaped on the diving/spring board. The first time I did it I felt like I was at the top of the world as I completed it. Until I went the second time I saw horror is now everywhere as I smashed my face into the diving board!

My head felt twice as heavy as normal because of the humongous bump on my forehead. Scrapes and scratches raced down my face and the most serious of all, were my gums which were hanging in shame and that's what worried my parents. My mother plunged into the swimming pool but she could have drowned, because my mother doesn't swim much. Then she lifted my left arm up and dragged me up to the surface. Pulling me to the rinsing area, she placed me down and used the towel to wrap me up as I was shivering involuntarily. My mum tried to cheer me up, jokingly telling me that I looked like a Dracula with blood flowing out of my gums, a little like water splashing out of a broken pipe, more than you can ever imagine.  There was so much blood it was almost like a blood flood . I was in terrible pain it feels like I was jumping off a helicopter and I got hit by the propeller a billon times so my mother sent me to the nearest hospital called Prince Court.

So after all that, I told my mother I do not want to do that ever again only if I feel comfortable doing it or I learned how to do it and confirm with it and tell you if I do not feel uncomfortable. My mom agreed with me and decided that she would try not to push so hard or giving peer pressure next after that happened to me. After this accident I found out that the moral to the accident was to say the things I do not want to do anymore and follow my heart.   


  1. I like how you chose something small and not something BIG like climbing Mount Everest or something like that. I like the descriptive words because that always makes the blog post fun :) I also liked how you put down what the moral of the story was. Do you mean the back-flip as a gymnastics back flip or the usual back flip in the water? I feel so very sorry for you :( I mean smashing your face in a DIVING board? That's some serious bad luck :O Anyway, great blog (as always)!

  2. It was really courageous to even attempt to do a back flip. I've never even tried to do a front flip or a back flip, but I do agree that it would be fun:) You really described how much it would have hurt by saying things like "it feels like I was jumping off a helicopter and I got hit by the propeller a billon times" and "There was so much blood it was almost like a blood flood" (great rhyme!) I really liked how you structured your blog post with an intro a middle/body and a conclusion. I liked the moral at the end of the post, it was the finishing touch. It was really brave of your mom to jump into the water and "save" you since she couldn't swim, it just proves that courage runs in the family:) Hey, can you do a back flip now?
