Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Now in 6th grade, not too long ago my friends and I were just talking then I said that somebody said out loud that he likes someone in health class. So then my friends said that he might like me because he was sits next to me in band class and talks to me and he was always my partner . After that I froze because I knew that my friends would spread this rumor. Next period I was completely freaking out. Thoughts rushing in my head what would happened if they spread it to everyone and my brother? If my brother finds out what would he do? Would my brother tell my parents? What would my parents say? What my going to do? I scavenged a solution.

The next week I decided to tell them that I that is not true yet that he would like me because you do not have any prove that he likes me and I told them that spreading rumors and gossip was about especially if it is about you. They found out that they did not like if it was about them they would not like either. So they promised themsleves not to do it anymore.

If somebody asks me who I like, I will say it's not your business why do you care and walk away and if I want to convincing the people stop making rumors, I would ask if this is a good time and ask question like why do you want to make rumors? Why do you spread my secret around to other people? Do you think people would trust you after you spread my secrets around the whole school? Why do you make rumors or spread gossip? If they still do not apologize I would say this confident, loud and assertive and if you say it aggressive the problem would become worst otherwise your friends would become angry and then you will have two problems. If you say passive you would get what you want or what your friends would be confused. If that does not work I will tell them that if you do this one more time we may not be friends.

I want this school to include everyone in the school who are different because later in life you would have to learn how to work with other people who are different from you and you would not get a job because you do not like people who are different from you. You also get to make new friends and live a happier life with different people around you. Also you could change your self for the better. Last of all I want people in our school to help us influence bullies what is for the better and ask them question like why do bully? Have they done anything to you? Are doing just for popularity? Why do you do this, people would not want to become friends with you and not trust you anymore? If they do that I would believe that everyone would be happy and safe in school. 

Lucky for us we are lucky enough to be a international school. For us, as a school we can make be united as one family. We get to learn about different cultures and live with people from all over the world.  Also, we can bond with people with different life styles and with different personality. Thank you for making ISKL a one big family.    

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The time I showed courage

It was on August 31, 2009 it was time to do my first backflip. The reason was, I already know how to do a front flip so it was time I tried to do the backflip. My mom encouraged me to do this; I already knew how to do it in the water so what the heck so I leaped on the diving/spring board. The first time I did it I felt like I was at the top of the world as I completed it. Until I went the second time I saw horror is now everywhere as I smashed my face into the diving board!

My head felt twice as heavy as normal because of the humongous bump on my forehead. Scrapes and scratches raced down my face and the most serious of all, were my gums which were hanging in shame and that's what worried my parents. My mother plunged into the swimming pool but she could have drowned, because my mother doesn't swim much. Then she lifted my left arm up and dragged me up to the surface. Pulling me to the rinsing area, she placed me down and used the towel to wrap me up as I was shivering involuntarily. My mum tried to cheer me up, jokingly telling me that I looked like a Dracula with blood flowing out of my gums, a little like water splashing out of a broken pipe, more than you can ever imagine.  There was so much blood it was almost like a blood flood . I was in terrible pain it feels like I was jumping off a helicopter and I got hit by the propeller a billon times so my mother sent me to the nearest hospital called Prince Court.

So after all that, I told my mother I do not want to do that ever again only if I feel comfortable doing it or I learned how to do it and confirm with it and tell you if I do not feel uncomfortable. My mom agreed with me and decided that she would try not to push so hard or giving peer pressure next after that happened to me. After this accident I found out that the moral to the accident was to say the things I do not want to do anymore and follow my heart.   

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?

I think the art that caveman use is painting and sculpting like the golden clay buffalo sculpture, which is the ceremony of a child transforming into an adult. How scientists know is because there were children's feet was near the statue.  I think that early humans express their feelings about the world, family and religion and how important it is so maybe they decided to paint it so everyone can remember. Looking at these paintings in the past few lessons it looks like they could be telling a story about their heroes or heroines and who brought them one of a important key to survival. I also think that maybe drew some facial expressions and the movement of how character (animal, hunter a tribe) is feelings. 

This connects to their culture by their rituals, like the 'cave painting of a human.' Scientists say that this is maybe a hunting ritual, because social scientist think it could be the artist was asking for success for the other hunters or his self not to be killed and kill the animal. Ceremonies are also a big part because all the art pieces we saw so far are almost all are ceremonies art pieces. Maybe they respect and worship animals because in the paintings I noticed that all the animals are drawn very well and the people are drawn like stick men. I think they respect animals because it is very important to survival even today. If animals do not exist then, early humans did not create the tools we have now and their inteligent then we will not live as long and survive as long as we do now. 
Resources: History Alive!