Sunday, October 17, 2010

Selangor trip- What would happen if their were no mangroves

Would some countries fall apart if their were no mangroves in this world? Why would our country fall apart if mangrove are existent? Well scientists have been discovering still, unravelling the mystery of this question.  If we preserve and plant saplings of mangroves would how does it make a difference? The most main reason of why do we plant mangroves in Malaysia.

The main reason is that mangroves would stop villages and countries to usually fight or stop tsunamis from hitting there.  If there was not any mangroves tree more lives would be lost and tsunamis will hit more often then now. Since there are loads of mangroves this has reduced the force of an incoming tsunami.  The force of within which the waves hit the shoreline depends defiantly on the currents and other physical factors. In Sri Lanka, first 500 meters of coastline has been mangroves, mangroves or even a cash crop, with a rule of humans habitation, there maybe a little or no human causalities on this land.  The risk remains for the tsunami, but not at extreme measures.  However, due to the natural vegetation of the mangroves, it makes sense to preserve these. We should preserve them not just for tsunamis also for the islands' rapidly degrading eco-system. In Langkawi this was the time when mangroves saved there country.

In Langkawi, after the tsunami people have been thinking how was the tsunami prevented? People say that after planting mangrove trees, tsunamis that came affected way fewer people. How does this happen? Many tsunamis were tamed by the coral reefs before hitting the coast, where the dense of the red mangrove tree absorb.  Since the mangroves has long branches that goes under the sand, below the surface of the ocean, which actually absorb the shock of the tsunami.  Behind the red mangrove trees there are  a second layer, the black mangrove trees, which are taller that helps the sea to slow down. Every since they started to plant more mangroves less tsunamis came so they decided to put it everywhere in Malaysia. So now fewer people are getting killed by tsunamis.

Mangrove really helped our world and even today. The Selangor park helps us do more for us and the people around us. That is why we should preserve them today and help us plant so we can block away tsunami. Planting a sapling even helps the marine live in the sea. Thousands of miles fully covered with marine, covered of mangroves forests, which helps protect the coastline from erosion, absorbing the carbon dioxide giving the breeding ground to fish and crustaceans, on the local population depends on their live hood.  With this fragile eco-system which ecologist recommended for a long time.


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