Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guns, Germs and Steel~ Even though Papua New Guinea is located in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, why is it that Australia and New Zealand became technologically advanced and wealthy?

  I believe that Papua New Guinea is not as wealthy and technologically advanced as New Zealand and Australia because is not as rich in resources as Australia and New Zealand in the world even though their both located in the same region because of the geographical location. Papua New Guinea landscapes has left it's mark on this nation many times. It has more than 600 islands it ranges form sea level and it is a subject to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. So with so many natural disasters in their hands. With whether disasters in their hands their lives are in danger. In guns, germs and steel it could be about the whether there Jared Diamond said that their crops rot easily so it is harder feed the country. 

How they handle national economy is one of the things why their not as wealthy. Even though their rich in resources like their neighbors Australia and New Zealand they have very little money because they have to share with the other 600 hundred islands. This would be hard because it is hard to send things that they found and it is even harder to communicate with them since they have 850 types different languages coming in with different cultures with a population of nearly 6 million. This makes it hard to have any sense of unity within the community so the politics becomes messy and at very high levels. Even tough their rich in resources they give it to get paid for building roads, bridges and other things so they do not have enough money for other things needed.  These resources are hard to dig up because they have to travel many places just to find resources for money.

It is not easy to go places in Papua New Guinea. It is hard for people because they live in dense forests, near swamps and some people live isolated in mountains. Papua New Guinea has a few roads no railroads, no links the capital city to the provincial city.  People have to walk to town or arrive water or air. So it's quite hard to trade with other countries. That is why Papua New Guinea is not as wealthy as New Zealand and Australia.   


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