Sunday, August 14, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011
Pan Gu Creation Myth
This is my creation movie trailer.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The END is near, AHHHHHHHHH!
2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
Explanation: I think that I am the type of person who has perfect behavior in listening and with directions but sometimes I talk too much and then get off track but this is quite rare. Usually I get too work and try to finish what I am supposed to finish.
b) Participation
Actively participate in class
Explanation: I think that I mostly participate but sometimes I do not really concentrate and start playing with something.
c) Organization
Needs serious help
I'm super organized
Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.
Explanation: I think that I can improve by going above and beyond. I can do that by taking more time on my work so I can learn more if I do this.
5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.
Goal 1- In Grade 7, I plan to make new friends so I can learn more with them and learn more about them. I personally think this is important because if you do not make firend you would not be that social which is a bad thing. I think this because of if you had to work with some one you do not really know, then you
would not know how you are supposed to split up the work and what to do and all. Also more students would be coming in so you can improve the SLR's like communitcate effectively with other people and the SLR collaborate constructively. This is a HUGE part of your life so that is why I think making a goal which is make new friends.
Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to do well acedemically. I think this because if you do well in school you might be one of the most successful person in the world and if you want play the game of school well then just try your harderst and your best in your work and you would be an excellent player in the game, school. I think if you also want to get an A+ in something then try your hardest to do that. In Math in this trimester, I actually started of with a C+ and do not stress and now I have like a B just because I tried my hardest in all of my assignments and I am super proud of myself for that. Maybe you guys want to try your hardest and you would do well in school but, do not think that six grade is easy because it is actually quite hard and if you think that you can get an A+ in everything and you do not get it, then you might have stress to and that is not a good thing.
6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
In two well structured paragraphs explain how the above quote and the rest of the chapter relates to the theme, freedom.
"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)
I thought that this relates to the theme, freedom because of how life is not interesting anymore without freedom and a challenging mind to direct it with because if you had directions to follow and anymore challenges to approach the human mind, then everything would just be boring and from a kid to now in the book Will starts to have challenges and now he starts to learn that freedom is more important than anything same with challenges to conquer. Will also starts to open up and thinks is this what I want to be doing, labor and being controlled or living in an open freedom spot with everything that I missed out in my childhood that would make my life a happier life? Will decides to escape from the Red Castle and run away at the middle of the life since he thought that even though he would get the girl and have luxury life, he believes that having an open mind and living freely is what he wants to be like.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The Red Castle
Saturday, March 12, 2011
How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey?
So I think that Beanpole will do to help Will and Henry on a trip is to hide them or tell them who is coming and all those types of trouble that will come during their journey. I think that Beanpole can help with this because Beanpole is from the city so I think no one knows him except for his parents and if his parents are looking for him then Beanpole can hide and Henry and Will can just tell them that they have seen him. I think that this is what they would do for each other so it will be easier to get there. I think the good thing that they let Beanpole come with them is a advantage for Henry and Will because he can help carry the things and help Will or Henry if they need help Beanpole can help. Since Beanpole knows where the tirpods are so Beanpole can tell where the tripods are in the world and if they are going where the tripods are going then they can go another way. If Will and Henry did not accept Beanpole then they have a smaller chance of getting to the White Mountains.
I think that Beanpole also can help by trying to protect Will and Henry for any type of mischievous things they do to get themselves into trouble again and if any villagers find out they escaped from a small village in England then the tripods might notice and they would get into really big trouble. I also think that he can help by convincing the town people that it was not there fault and blame it on himself and all those things to get them out of trouble. Without Beanpole, Will and Henry will could have not survive in France to get to the Alps so then it would be more difficult for the tripods to climb up the mountain and they might freeze or die since they are made out of steel or metal.
Monday, March 7, 2011
How is Will like me?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Ancient Egypt Reflection

I think that Ancient egyptians pharaohs created monument because as a pharaoh, my point of view for a pharaoh is, to do something to give your country to believe or to remember something that led this country into a great civilization. I also think that as a pharaoh, you should also try to improve somethings to make your city powerful and strong against the Nile river and all these problems like the ones that led up to the down fall of pharaohs in Ancient Mesopotamia. Like, Valerie and I worked on a pharaoh named, Senusert the first and he was famous for improving shrines, temples and religious monuments. Senusert also contributed to Anicent Egypt for over 3 dozen sites in Egypt. I think that Pharaohs also wanted to be memorable for something they contributed to Ancient Egypt in order for Egypt to rise higher and higher. Pharaoh also want their city to have more people since this city has so much land they might as well use it all to help feed the people. I know that a pharaoh's job is hard, but someone has to do all of these things I wrote even more things. If a pharaoh has completed his/her job they might as well celebrate of what hard work it is to rule a city this strong. So I think that is why they build monuments.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
City Connections
Monday, January 10, 2011
2011, the start of a New Year's Resolution
My second resolution is, to be a better person by helping the earth by telling my family that how recycling can make a huge difference in the world and what else you can do to help the world. I think that you can help by many simple ways like, buy a reusable water bottle like a steel one. Do not use plastic bags, it usually takes a thousand years to recycle it. If you happen to get a plastic bag reuse it in anyway like, put the plastic bag on the rubbish bin so when you throw away your things, it will be easier to dispose when it is full or use it as a shopping bag so you do not need to use another one. In our family we do all that but, the best way to stop using plastic bags, is to buy a reusable bag so every time you shop, you do not need to use plastic bags anymore. There are way more ways to helping the Earth but these are just two of them which for me are the easiest ways to help the world. This will make a HUGE difference to you and the world.
During the winter break, I went to a place called Kandooma, Maldives. This was the most AMAZING place EVER! If you like the beach, snorkeling, swimming and diving you should go to Maldives. In Kandooma, we did so millions of activities, we did not get to finish all the activities in five nights! We did activities like, going far out to do some snorkeling, swimming in the sea, go to picnic island, and night fishing (you get to eat the fish you catch)! But the best of all is, you got to go on this huge boat and go to see wild dolphins which is amazing because you RARLY find wild dolphins in the WORLD so for us it was just mind-blowing to see these dolphins in the wild especially, when you see them do tricks without telling them to do it. It was also breath taking when you see them in pods jumping together and they surround the boat.
our tiring trip from Kuala Lumpur to Maldives, we decided to explore our way to the family villa whilst, I was just sprinted to the villa. ZOOM! Rushed upstairs like a cheetah chasing after his favorite meal and got some shut eye. Lazily walked out of the house but, I was so famished I rushed down to the restaurant which Holiday Inn owned. A buffet that was smelled of soft and crispy bacon, some eggs and just made bread. The aroma kissed the room it came to me and attracted nose to go and get it and I toke a bunch of food and gobbled it up like I was in a food eating contest. I ran to the beach, murder my shoes and stepped into cotton candy. The sand felt like I was in heaven and dipped into the tropical, crystal clear water. It was so clear I could see the fish swimming through my legs, saw millions of flying fish jumping out of the water so synchronized, when they jumped, it felt like it was together. Feeling the gentle breeze blowing through my hair felt so wonderful. That was just the beginning with my holiday.
When our time was up we begged our parents to extend it but, we knew it was not going to work. After our last good byes to the place I almost started tearing. This was a memorable moment was a moment I should cherish in my heart forever and I would NEVER forget. This place was beyond the best it could ever be. This place the crew are just so friendly and very cautious of the environment which has inspired me to be cautious as how can I help to stop global warming because I do not want maldives to sink ever! This experience was a experience of a life time that will be the most amazing one ever.